Web Colour Trends 2022

The new Bad Dog palette is bold - we are Bad Dogs after all!

Muted Web Colours

When it comes to website colours, there are a few key trends that are emerging for 2022. First of all, we're seeing a lot more muted colours being used. This means that instead of using bright, saturated colours, designers are opting for more subdued hues. This trend is likely due to the popularity of minimalism, as well as the growing focus on creating user-friendly website experiences.

Bold Palettes

Another trend we're seeing is a shift towards bolder palettes. While muted colours are still popular in website design, brighter and more saturated tones are becoming increasingly common as well. These bold colours can be used to create eye-catching website designs that really stand out from the crowd.


Finally, we're also seeing a lot more use of gradients in website design. Gradients are a great way to add some visual interest to your website, and they can also help to create a sense of depth and dimension. This trend is likely to continue gaining popularity in the coming year.


So, those are a few of the key web colour trends that we're seeing for 2022. As you can see, minimalism is still a big influence, but we're also seeing more designers experiment with bolder palettes and gradients. If you're looking to update your website's design this year, these are definitely some trends worth considering.

Paul Cotter

Paul is Founder & CEO of Bad Dog, an Irish Digital Marketing Agency. He has 30+ years experience in many facets of the design world. He’s got opinions too, from such a long career - and is more than willing to share them. With an insatiable appetite for anything tech and forward facing, pardon the pun, but he’s like a dog with a bone!


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